
A smile can hide the pain but it can also heal the pain.

My Journey from the Hurt

I’m Tessa Jeane or TJ Hall. I’m a 1994 edition weirdo, married, owner and creator of a small craft business, mom to 3 awesome fur-babies, and a broken little girl trying to live an adult life.

I’m the product of a selfish Iowa cowboy and a selfless Wyoming country girl. I grew up in a bit of a toxic environment with a very toxic relationship with my father, causing a whole bunch of unhealthy problems in my teens and now adult life.

I discovered that journaling was a form of self-counseling, something that I need since I can’t afford actual therapy, and have way too much anxiety to even consider it to begin with. Using a blog as an open large platform is my way of helping myself while maybe helping others as well.

Those of us who have grown up in lives causing us to have mental health issues as a result of childhood trauma but weren’t seen as abused or neglected always seem to get overlooked. Here is a safe place to be ourselves, talk, encourage, heal, and help one another. Please feel free to reach out for any reason if you need to. I’m no professional by any means, but I have an open ear and a kind heart willing to listen and help those who need to heal just the same as myself.

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